
Vucenik I


Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and its parent compound myo-inositol (Ins) are active compounds from rice and other grains, with a broad spectrum of biological activities important in health and diseases. However, the most striking is the anticancer effect of IP6 and Ins that has been actively investigated during the last decades. A consistent and reproducible anticancer action of IP6 has been demonstrated in various experimental models. IP6 reduces cell proliferation, induces apoptosis and differentiation of malignant cells via PI3K, MAPK, PKC, AP-1 and NF-kappaB. Very few clinical studies in humans and case reports have indicated that IP6 is able to enhance the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, control cancer metastases, and improve quality of life. Reduced burden of chemotherapy side-effects in patients receiving IP6 alone or in combination with Ins has been reported. Because of the highly promising preclinical and emerging clinical data, large clinical trials and further mechanistic studies are warranted.