
Vittorio Unfer, John E. Nestler, Zdravko A. Kamenov, Nikos Prapas, and Fabio Facchinetti


This special issue is aimed at providing innovative scientific data and discussing in-depth results and findings so far available to further clarify some pivotal scientific topics in the field of inositol(s). The authors focused their attention on three essential molecules belonging to this primordial group of ubiquitary chemical compounds: myoinositol and D-chiroinositol, two stereoisomeric forms of inositol(s), and inositol hexakisphosphate, a metabolite of myoinositol. These molecules are involved in many physiological functions and can be used for numerous therapeutic aims, in some cases exploiting their feature to exist in different enantiomeric forms, each one with specific tasks. Plenty of experimental and clinical data have shown that myoinositol alone, or (depending on the therapeutic aim) in association with D-chiroinositol in a physiologic ratio (40 : 1) between the two molecules, plays a pivotal role in treating several pathologies such as PCOS, metabolic syndrome, gestational diabetes, thyroid disorders, and infertility. Furthermore, myoinositol allows also improving substantially the outcomes of assisted reproduction technology (ART). Finally, myoinositol and inositol hexakisphosphate have demonstrated very promising anticancer activities as shown by numerous studies.