The Experts Group on Inositol in Basic and Clinical Research, and on PCOS (EGOI-PCOS) was established to explore and elucidate key aspects of the physiological functions and clinical applications of Inositols across various biological and medical disciplines, with a particular focus on gynecology, reproduction, and metabolic-endocrinological disorders.

In this context, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) has emerged as a primary focus for the group. This includes critically examining the syndrome’s misleading name and addressing the gaps in its diagnostic criteria, particularly the omission of key metabolic features. The group’s mission is to unravel these complexities.

The EGOI-PCOS is comprised of prominent international researchers, gynecologists, endocrinologists, and other clinicians who are leaders in the fields of inositol physiology and therapy, as well as in PCOS management, each contributing their specialized expertise.

Scientific evidence indicates that inositol has beneficial effects in both the prevention and clinical management of various conditions, especially PCOS, when its pathogenesis is linked to insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperandrogenism. Conversely, in cases of PCOS where hyperandrogenism and insulin signaling issues are absent, the rationale for using inositol is less clear.

While the data and results on inositol use are growing, there remain key concepts that need further exploration, particularly regarding the appropriate use and combination of myo- and D-chiro-inositol isomers in different clinical contexts.

Simultaneously, the scientific interest in PCOS, including its various phenotypes, diagnostic approaches, patient engagement, and therapeutic strategies, calls for deeper investigation and research.

EGOI-PCOS dedicates its efforts to promoting advanced studies and scientific discussions on these topics, enhancing cooperation and networking among scientists from different countries.